[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

The following list is a set of 100 Alaska driving test questions with answers.

You should read and review them more than once because you will face these questions in the real Alaskan driving test.

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Note: The correct answers are in bold.

Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

1. When entering a street from a driveway, you:
Must drive slowly to allow approaching vehicles and pedestrians time to get out of your way.
Must honk your horn so approaching vehicles and pedestrians know to give you room.
Must stop and proceed only when there are no pedestrians or vehicles approaching.

2. A red flashing traffic light has the same meaning as a:
Solid red light.
Stop sign.
Yield sign.

3. If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, you should look toward ____ of the road.
Either side
The center
The right side

4. At an intersection with a traffic light displaying a green arrow, you should:
Wait to proceed until the light turns green.
Stop, then turn in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Turn in the direction indicated by the arrow when the intersection is clear.

5. If you drive past your desired destination while in heavy traffic on a city street, you should:
Stop where you are.
Back up to where you should have stopped.
Drive around the block.

6. When approaching a school bus that is displaying flashing red lights, a driver should:
Stop, make sure it is safe to pass the bus, then proceed.
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Stop and remain stopped until the flashing lights extinguish.

7. If a transit vehicle is signaling to re-enter the main roadway following a stop, you must:
Honk to let them know you’re there.
Move to the left lane.

8. A single broken white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

9. A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in to the left. That shows that:
There is an intersection just ahead.
You are approaching a construction area.
The road will get narrower.

10. You are driving on a highway divided by two solid yellow lines. You may:
Cross these lines only to make a left turn into or from an alley, private road, or driveway.
Cross these lines to pass other vehicles, but only if there is no oncoming traffic.
Cross these lines under no circumstances.

11. The required amount of liability insurance coverage for property damage is a minimum of:

12. You must stop for a school bus:
That is parked on the shoulder of the road with no one in it.
When it approaches you, even if its lights are not flashing.
If you are both driving on a two-lane highway and its red lights are flashing.

13. When the road is marked with a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line, with the broken line next to your lane, you may pass:
Only in an emergency.
If you are on an expressway.
If traffic is clear.

14. What should you do when an emergency vehicle is approaching while displaying flashing red or blue lights?
See if you can reach your destination before the emergency vehicle catches up to you.
Continue driving but try to stay out of its way.
Pull over to the side of the road and come to a complete stop.

15. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

There is a detour ahead.
The road ahead is closed to traffic.
The highway ahead is undergoing maintenance.

16. Slower-moving traffic on a multilane highway should:
Drive in the right lane.
Drive in any lane.
Drive in the left lane.

17. Drivers who have consumed alcohol before getting behind the wheel:
Are always aware of the risks they are taking.
Do not have sufficient control over their bodies and minds or the vehicles being driven.
Are better drivers because they are more careful than sober drivers.

18. The school zone speed limit is:
10 mph.
25 mph.
20 mph.

19. Statistics show that alcohol is:
Involved in almost half of all traffic crashes that result in death.
Rarely involved in any traffic crashes.
The cause of all traffic crashes.

20. To keep your vehicle from being struck from behind:
Drive a little faster than surrounding traffic to widen the gap between you and the vehicle behind you.
Brake harder than usual.
Keep pace with surrounding traffic.

21. This road sign indicates:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

The maximum safe speed for a residential area.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway exit.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway entrance.

22. When driving on major highways:
Stay alert.
Be ready to react to road hazards.
All of the above.

23. A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:
Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

24. Which of the following lights indicates that you should slow down and proceed with caution at an intersection?
A flashing yellow light
A flashing red light
A solid yellow light

25. When you are in a line of traffic that is crossing a railroad track that has no signals or gates:
You have the right-of-way and do not need to check for trains.
You may pass slower drivers while crossing the track.
You need to make sure there is space for your vehicle to get all the way across the tracks without stopping.

26. When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:
Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.

27. If your car breaks down on a highway, you should:
Sit in your car and wait for help.
Use your four-way flashers to warn other drivers.
Sound your horn at passing motorists.

28. The consumption of alcohol while taking drugs can:
Decrease the effects of the drugs and alcohol.
Increase the effects of both the drugs and alcohol.
Help cure your illness.

29. An arrow painted on the pavement means:
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow, but only if traffic lights are not working.
Drivers in the proper lane must always come to a complete stop before making the movement indicated by the arrow.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow while following directions indicated by traffic signals.

30. What does this road sign mean?

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Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.

31. A stop sign is shaped like a(n):

32. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No passing zone.
Pedestrian crossing.
Low ground railroad crossing.

33. You are driving in the right lane of a multilane highway and want to move into the left lane. You should:
Look in your rearview mirror for traffic behind you before changing lanes.
Look over your left shoulder for traffic in your blind spot before changing lanes.
All of the above.

34. If you experience a tire blowout:
Take your foot of the gas.
Gradually slow down and pull off the side of the road.
All of the above.

35. Refusal to submit to chemical testing when requested by law enforcement:
Will add 10 points against your license.
Is a criminal offense.
All of the above.

36. When may you proceed through an intersection that has a stop sign but no stop line or crosswalk?
After slowing down to verify that there is no cross traffic
After coming to a complete stop and verifying that it is safe to proceed
After you have stopped at least 20 feet prior to the intersection

37. On each vehicle registered to the state, Alaska requires:
Two license plates: one on the front and one on the back.
One license plate on the back.
No specified number of license plates.

38. Stop lines are solid white lines painted across traffic lanes:
In curves and on hills.
Next to churches and schools.
At intersections and pedestrian crosswalks.

39. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

U-turns are prohibited.
U-turns are permitted.
Winding road ahead.

40. A single dashed white line on a multilane road means:
Lanes are moving in opposite directions.
Passing is permitted into a lane directly next to the dashed white line.
Passing is prohibited.

41. When parking in an uphill direction on a roadway with a curb, your front wheels:
Should point straight ahead.
Should turn away from the curb.
Should turn toward the curb.

42. If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:
The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.

43. How can you help prevent rear-end collisions?
Before stopping, check your mirrors and blind spots for traffic.
Release the gas pedal and let your vehicle slow before applying the brakes.
All of the above.

44. When passing a large vehicle, the driver of a small vehicle must be prepared for:
Loud noises.
Excess air pollution.
Wind gusts produced by the large vehicle.

45. This sign means that:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

A community service group is picking up trash along the highway ahead.
Workers are on or very close to the road in the work zone ahead.
Children are at play ahead.

46. To avoid colliding with the car in front of you, you should:
Watch for brake lights ahead.
Use the four-second rule.
All of the above.

47. Blood alcohol content (BAC) depends on each of the following, except:
How much you drink.
How much time passes between drinks.
How physically fit you are.

48. What might happen when alcohol is combined with another drug?
The effects of the alcohol and the drug may both be increased.
Nothing will happen.
The effects of the alcohol and the drug may both be reduced.

49. If involved in an accident, a driver should:
Stop their vehicle at or near the scene.
Not stand or walk in traffic lanes.
All of the above.

50. An approaching driver fails to dim their high beam headlights. Where should you look?
At the wheels of the approaching vehicle.
Toward the right side of the road.
Toward the left side of the road.

51. If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:
Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.

52. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Slow down or stop.
Stop, if necessary.
You must come to a complete stop.

53. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ends.
Two-way traffic.

54. If you stop at a railroad crossing with more than one track:
Wait to proceed until you have a clear view of all tracks.
Stop on the first railroad track and watch for another train.
Go through as soon as the train passes.

55. The driver's left arm and hand are extended upward. This hand signal means that the driver plans to:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Turn left.
Turn right.
Come to a stop.

56. Parking lights may only be used:
When a vehicle is parked.
When visibility is poor.
Within one hour of sunset or sunrise.

57. You must stop at a railroad crossing when:
Directed to do so by a flagger.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

58. When entering a highway from an entrance ramp, you should generally:
Enter above the speed of traffic to get ahead.
Stop first, then slowly enter traffic.
Accelerate to the speed of traffic.

59. Which of the following statements is true?
Signal at least 100 feet before changing lanes to pass and ensure there is no oncoming traffic.
When passing, wait until you can see both headlights of the passed car in your rearview mirror before returning to your original lane.
All of the above.

60. If a crossing guard is directing traffic in a school zone, you must:
Follow the directions given by the crossing guard.
Copy what surrounding traffic is doing, despite the crossing guard's instructions.
Assume the guard is not supposed to be directing traffic.

61. When riding in a vehicle, small children:
May be safely held by a strong adult.
Will be safe if they are standing on the floor in the back of the vehicle.
Must never be allowed to ride while standing in the vehicle.

62. You are driving on the roadway and hear a siren behind you. You should:
Stop where you are.
Pull over to the right and stop.
Speed up to get out of the way.

63. You are presumed to be driving under the influence if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a minimum of:
0.02 percent.
0.05 percent.
0.08 percent.

64. If you’re going to turn left onto a one-way street, you should complete the turn into:
The right lane.
The lane closest to your previous lane.
Either lane.

65. Which drugs may have an effect on your ability to drive?
Over-the-counter allergy and cold medication
Prescription headache medication
All of the above

66. This sign tells you that:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No turns are allowed on this road.
The road narrows ahead.
There are a series of curves ahead.

67. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Pedestrians only.
Intersection ahead.
School crossing ahead.

68. Worn or bald tires:
Can make turning more difficult.
Can increase your stopping distance.
All of the above.

69. Downward-facing triangular signs:
Indicate school zones.
Tell drivers to yield.
Indicate construction zones.

70. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.

71. You are approaching a flashing red traffic light. You should:
Come to a complete stop.
Proceed only when it is safe to do so.
All of these.

72. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol:
Decreases blood alcohol concentration.
Cancels the effect of the alcohol.
Has no effect on blood alcohol concentration.

73. A driver approaching a stopped school bus that is displaying flashing amber lights should always:
Stop and remain stopped until the bus has passed.
Slow down and prepare to stop.
Sound their horn and pass slowly.

74. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Heavy traffic ahead.
Do not enter.
Railroad crossing.

75. A flashing yellow traffic signal means:
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Continue ahead at your current speed.

76. You are coming to an intersection and have a green light. Pedestrians are crossing against the red. You should:
Honk your horn.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians.
Stop to let the pedestrians cross safely.

77. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Divided highway begins.
A steep grade is ahead.
The overpass ahead has a low clearance.

78. What does a single dashed yellow line separating traffic mean?
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.
Both lanes travel in the same direction.
Drivers may not pass.

79. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Intersection ahead.
Steep grade ahead.
Winding road.

80. Two solid white lines painted across a traffic lane show the boundaries of a crosswalk. As a driver, you should know that:
Motor vehicles have the right-of-way over pedestrians in crosswalks.
When pedestrians are in crosswalks, they should be given the right-of-way.
No one has the right-of-way in a crosswalk.

81. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Keep right.
Low shoulder.
No parking at any time.

82. What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement?
It helps driving skills but harms your judgement.
It harms both driving skills and judgement.
It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement.

83. What is the minimum mandatory jail sentence for a first-time DUI conviction?
Three days
10 days
20 hours

84. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No left turn.
No U-turns.
No right turn.

85. You must yield for emergency vehicles:
Under no circumstances.
When you see a flashing red or blue light or hear a siren.
Only when other vehicles yield.

86. When changing lanes you should not:
Give a turn signal to signal your intentions.
Check for other drivers who may be moving into the same lane as you.
Use your cell phone to contact the police to determine if the road ahead is clear.

87. When approaching a flashing yellow light, drivers should:
Come to a complete stop.
Turn on their headlights.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

88. If another car is in danger of hitting you, you should:
Sound your horn.
Wave your arms.
Use your emergency lights.

89. Under Alaskan law, seat belts are required to be used:
Only by children under the age of 16.
Only by a person riding in the front seat of a vehicle.
By everyone in a moving vehicle at all times.

90. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Parking spaces are reserved for people with disabled parking permits.
A circular intersection is ahead.
Traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow.

91. This sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

92. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

You are about to enter a one-way street the wrong way.
School crossing ahead.
Traffic turning left on the green light must yield to oncoming traffic.

93. Your vehicle's stopping distance increases when stopping:
On a wet or icy road.
On paved highways.
When driving at night.

94. If you miss your exit on an interstate expressway:
Stop and make a U-turn.
Get off at the next exit and come back to the exit you missed.
Roll down your window and ask the driver next to you for help.

95. The penalty for driving a vehicle without valid liability insurance is license suspension for a minimum of:
60 days.
90 days.
30 days.

96. You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:
Move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible.
Not move your vehicle under any circumstances.
Wait until the police arrive before moving your vehicle.

97. The road surface often becomes especially slippery during the first half hour of rain because:
Dust and oil on the road have not yet washed away.
Tires have not yet absorbed the water.
Water tends to pool the most at the beginning of a rainfall.

98. Motorcycles are entitled to:
The bicycle lane.
The same full lane width as other motor vehicles.
Half the width of a lane.

99. This road sign means:

[FREE] Alaska DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Hunting area.
State park.
Deer crossing.

100. When driving on roads that may be slippery:
Always drive at the maximum speed limit.
Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed.
Do not make any sudden changes in speed or direction.

نسخة اللغة العربية: اختبار القيادة بولاية ألاسكا

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