[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Below we present to you the driving test questions in the state of Delaware, these questions you will face in the real test of driving in Delaware.

A collection of 50 Delaware driving test questions.

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Note: The correct answers are in bold.

Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

1. Before you change lanes, you should check your mirrors and:
Never look over your right shoulder.
Always slow down in your traffic lane.
Glance over your shoulder.

2. This sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Yield the right-of-way.
No passing zone.
Reduction in lanes.

3. Slowing down just to look at collisions or anything else out-of-the-ordinary:
Causes traffic congestion.
Prevents rear-end collisions.
Improves traffic flow by preventing collisions.

4. A pentagon-shaped sign is a:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Stop sign.
Regulatory sign.
School zone or school crossing sign.

5. It is more dangerous to drive at night than during the day because:
You cannot see as far ahead at night.
The road is always more slippery at night.
Your reaction time is slower at night.

6. This sign is used to warn drivers about:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
Road curves ahead.

7. This road sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Pedestrian crossing.
School crossing.
Jogging trail.

8. Drivers are required to obey instructions from:
Security guards patrolling parking lots.
Other drivers whose vehicles are broken down on the roadway.
Flaggers (signal persons) at construction sites.

9. Always stop before crossing railroad tracks when:
There isn't room on the other side for you to completely cross the tracks.
The railroad crossing is located in a city or town that has frequent train traffic.
You are transporting two or more young children in a passenger vehicle.

10. In traffic moving at 50 to 55 mph, you are least likely to have an accident if you:
Drive a few miles per hour faster than most other vehicles.
Stay within that speed range.
Drive a few miles per hour slower than most other vehicles.

11. It is necessary to use your low beams any time you are:
On a lighted street.
On a freeway.
In fog.

12. If you experience a tire blowout:
Tap or pump the brakes.
Slow down gradually and use your brakes lightly.
Apply the brakes firmly and quickly.

13. This road sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No right turn.
Drive only in the direction of the arrow.
Curve ahead.

14. A steady yellow traffic signal light is a warning that the light is about to change to red. If you are already within the intersection when a green light changes to yellow, you should:
Continue moving and clear the intersection safely.
Increase your speed so as not to cause an accident.

15. This road sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Intersection ahead.
Steep grade ahead.
Winding road.

16. Various traffic control devices in construction and maintenance work areas are the color:

17. When you see this black and yellow sign, it means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

The road to the right is for one-way traffic only.
There is a detour to the right due to road construction.
The road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle.

18. What does this road sign mean?

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

You must turn right.
No right turns permitted.
Right turns permitted on a red light.

19. This road sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Road construction ahead.
The road ahead curves left then right.
The road ahead curves right then left.

20. Broken yellow lines are used on streets and highways to:
Indicate no passing zones.
Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
Separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.

21. This sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Trucks under 18,000 pounds are allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.

22. Which of these statements is true about drinking alcohol and driving?
If you can walk in a straight line after drinking, it is safe to drive.
If you are under the legal blood alcohol concentration limit, your driving isn't impaired.
Alcohol affects judgement, which is needed to drive safely.

23. Stopping distances and the severity of collisions:
Decrease as a vehicle's speed increases.
Are not affected by a vehicle's speed.
Increase as a vehicle's speed increases.

24. You should signal continuously while turning because it:
Is illegal to turn off your signal before completing a turn.
Lets other drivers know what your intentions are.
Is always unsafe to turn off a signal before completing a turn.

25. When turning left at an intersection:
You should always yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Oncoming traffic and pedestrians should yield to you.
You should never yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

26. Changing from one lane to another is best done:
Quickly and often.
When a car is in your blind spot.
Gradually and carefully.

27. If it feels like your tires have lost contact with the surface of the road, you should:
Slow down by shifting into a lower gear.
Ease your foot off the gas pedal.
Slow down by pumping the brakes quickly and firmly.

28. There are oncoming vehicles to your left and a row of parked vehicles to your right. You should steer:
Closer to the oncoming vehicles than the parked vehicles.
Closer to the parked vehicles than the oncoming vehicles.
A middle course between the oncoming and parked vehicles.

29. It is dangerous to follow a motorcycle too closely because:
They do not follow the same rules as motor vehicles.
A motorcycle can stop much faster than a standard vehicle.
They brake more slowly than motor vehicles.

30. When turning left at an intersection:
You should always yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Oncoming traffic and pedestrians should yield to you.
You should never yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

31. A diamond-shaped sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers


32. Give the right-of-way to any pedestrian who is:
In a marked crosswalk.
In any crosswalk or intersection.
Crossing any street.

33. Should you always drive more slowly than other traffic?
No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.
Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique.
Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic.

34. This road sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Drive with caution and be ready to stop.
You must come to a complete stop.
Stop, if necessary.

35. When you see this sign, you should stop and:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Check for vehicles only in the direction that you plan on going, then proceed.
Let all vehicles that arrive before or after you go first.
Check for traffic in all directions before proceeding.

36. When crossing a sidewalk to enter traffic from an alley or driveway, drivers should:
Stop only if pedestrians are on the sidewalk.
Stop before driving onto the sidewalk or sidewalk area.
Expect pedestrians on the sidewalk to yield the right-of-way.

37. If your car's suspension is bad, it can cause:
Vehicle control problems.
Squealing brakes.
Slack in the steering.

38. Which of these statements is true about roadwork zones?
Fines are the same for violations committed in work zones as they are under normal traffic conditions.
You must "Slow for the Cone Zone."
Slow down only if you think workers are present.

39. You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should:
Turn off your engine until the person crosses the street.
Tell the pedestrian when to cross the street.
Wait until the person crosses the street.

40. This sign is used to warn drivers that:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

The right lane is ending and traffic should merge left.
The road curves ahead.
There are upcoming intersections.

41. This sign indicates:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

The distance from road surface to a bridge or overpass.
The maximum legal height of a vehicle allowed in this state.
The maximum width of a vehicle allowed on the highway.

42. What can you do to reduce road rage?
Always signal your intention when changing lanes.
Talk on your cell phone while driving.
Use your horn frequently.

43. When a pedestrian guided by a dog or carrying a white cane is crossing the street:
You must always yield the right-of-way.
You must tell them where to cross the street.
You only have to yield the right-of-way if you are at a corner.

44. Which statement is true?
You should put on your cruise control near a railroad crossing to maintain a constant speed.
You must stop at a railroad crossing when directed to do so by a flagger or stop sign.
You have the right-of-way at a railroad crossing and do not need to stop.

45. This sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Do not drink and drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.

46. This sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Pedestrians walking along the road ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Pedestrians must not cross here.

47. When a bicyclist is making a left turn:
They may use the left lane.
They may cut through all lanes.
They may wait on the side of the road.

48. A pedestrian starts to cross the street after the "Don't Walk" signal begins to flash. The pedestrian is in the middle of the street when your signal light changes to green. You should:
Proceed if you have the right-of-way.
Proceed if the pedestrian is not in your lane.
Wait until the pedestrian crosses the street before proceeding.

49. If there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane, you should:
Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding.
Cautiously drive around the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.

50. This sign means:

[FREE] Delaware DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Railroad ahead.
No passing zone.
School zone.

نسخة اللغة العربية: اختبار القيادة بولاية ديلاوير

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