[FREE] Hawaii DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Below we present to you the driving test questions in the state of Hawaii, these questions you will face in the real test of driving in Hawaii.

A collection of 50 Hawaii driving test questions.

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Note: The correct answers are in bold.

Hawaii DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

1. Worn or bald tires:
Can make turning more difficult.
Can increase your stopping distance.
All of the above.

2. You may pass a school bus from the front or rear on an undivided roadway:
Under no circumstances.
When the red lamps on the school bus are flashing.
When the red lamps on the school bus are not flashing.
At anytime, if you drive slowly.

3. If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:
The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

4. When towing a trailer or a house trailer, you should:
Have someone ride in the trailer to keep the load steady.
Allow only adults to ride in the trailer.
Never allow anyone to ride in the trailer.
Allow people to ride in house trailers only.

5. If a transit vehicle is signaling to re-enter the main roadway following a stop, you must:
Honk to let them know you’re there.
Move to the left lane.
Speed up to pass.

6. This sign means that:

[FREE] Hawaii DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

A community service group is picking up trash along the highway ahead.
Workers are on or very close to the road in the work zone ahead.
Children are at play ahead.
There is a pedestrian crosswalk ahead.

7. You are driving in the left lane and want to move into the right lane. You should:
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your left shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over your right shoulder for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and look over both shoulders for other vehicles before changing lanes.
Check your mirrors, signal, and change lanes.

8. The most important thing in any driving situation is:
The vehicle.
The environment.
The driver.
The time of day.

9. Increase your following distance when:
Driving behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision.
Following a motorcycle.
All of the above.

10. Coming to a complete stop at an intersection, yielding to cross traffic/pedestrians, and then proceeding through the intersection when the way is clear corresponds with:
A solid red light.
A flashing yellow light.
A flashing red light.

11. You and another vehicle are approaching an intersection that has no traffic signs or signals. Which vehicle has the right-of-way?
The vehicle on the left
The vehicle on the right
The biggest vehicle
The vehicle that enters the intersection first

12. Certain highway signs contain information about hazardous conditions. Such signs are known as:
Regulatory signs.
Warning signs.
Information signs.
Guide signs.

13. When entering a street from a driveway, you:
Must drive slowly to allow approaching vehicles and pedestrians time to get out of your way.
Must honk your horn so approaching vehicles and pedestrians know to give you room.
Must stop and proceed only when there are no pedestrians or vehicles approaching.
Can disregard any pedestrians if there is no sidewalk.

14. A diamond-shaped sign:
Warns of existing or possible hazards.
Alerts drivers to school zones.
Alerts drivers to public recreation areas.
Alerts drivers to upcoming food and gas locations.

15. Newer vehicles are equipped with a brake warning lamp on the instrument panel. This lamp:
Should come on when the parking brake is released.
Comes on to indicate that the brake system is defective.
Will never come on.
Comes on to indicate that the brake lights are operational.

16. It is important to be alert to motorcycles because:
They are more difficult to see than cars.
They rarely use their headlights.
Motorcyclists are less skilled drivers than other motorists.
All of the above.

17. Safety belts:
Should be worn at all times when driving or riding in a vehicle.
Should be worn only when traveling at high speeds.Should be worn loosely.
Can only prevent drivers from injury.

18. When changing lanes on a highway, you should:
Check your rearview and outside mirrors.
Check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder.
All of the above.

19. An arrogant driver is a driver who:
Is purposely in a hurry and competing with other traffic.
Shows little or no respect for traffic laws or the rights of other drivers and pedestrians.
All of the above.

20. When driving on an interstate:
Stop on the shoulder of the road if you are tired.
You should always use cruise control.
Signal, check mirrors, and check blind spots before changing lanes.
You should change lanes often.

21. Defensive driving is:
Identifying dangerous driving situations and taking action to avoid accidents.
Defending yourself against poor drivers by getting ahead of them in traffic.
Following the vehicle ahead of you at a close distance.
Quickly changing lanes and shifting in and out of traffic congestion.

22. When making a turn, you must ____ your speed.

23. If you leave your vehicle unattended, you must:
Lock the ignition and remove the key.
Set the parking brake.
All of the above.

24. Pentagonal signs indicate:
No passing zones.
School zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.

25. You are driving on a busy street and your vehicle’s accelerator sticks open. You should:
Slam on your brakes.
Turn on your four-way flashers.
Turn off your ignition, taking care not to engage the steering wheel locking mechanism.

26. A driver should be extra alert to motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians because:
They’re difficult to see in traffic.
They obey different traffic laws than larger motor vehicles.
They always have the right-of-way.
They don’t have rearview mirrors.

27. The amount of space you need to cross traffic depends on the:
Road conditions, weather conditions, and oncoming traffic.
Presence of a stop sign.
Use of your turn signals.
Cars behind you.

28. What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?
Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

29. A driver entering public traffic from a driveway or private road:
Has the right-of-way.
Should yield to drivers already on the public road.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

30. This road sign means:
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.

31. This sign means:

[FREE] Hawaii DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No U-turn.
No turning.
No left turn.
No right turn.

32. You notice that the driver in the vehicle ahead of you is driving with one hand and talking to a passenger. You should:
Give the vehicle extra space.
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing their safety margin by being an inattentive driver.
All of the above.

33. The mechanical condition of a vehicle is the responsibility of:
The legal owner of the vehicle.
The garage mechanic.
The vehicle driver.
The insurance company.

34. You notice a vehicle defect which may affect the safe operation of your vehicle. You should:
Correct the defect as soon as possible.
Correct the defect when you can afford it
Drive the vehicle at slower speeds.
Drive normally.

35. A police officer directs you to drive through a red light. What should you do?
Stop and then proceed.
Wait for the green light.Proceed as directed by the officer.
Make a right turn.

36. A solid white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

37. What should you do when an emergency vehicle is approaching while displaying flashing red or blue lights?
See if you can reach your destination before the emergency vehicle catches up to you.
Continue driving but try to stay out of its way.
Pull over to the side of the road and come to a complete stop.
Stop in the middle of an intersection.

38. The consumption of alcohol while taking drugs can:
Decrease the effects of the drugs and alcohol.
Increase the effects of both the drugs and alcohol.
Help cure your illness.
Improve your driving ability.

39. A flashing red traffic signal at an intersection has the same requirements as:
A slow sign.
A yield sign.
A stop sign.
An intersection sign.

40. You must stop at a railroad crossing when:
It is controlled by a stop sign.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

41. When towing a trailer, you must make sure that:
The trailer has a safety chain securely attached to the trailer hitch.
The trailer has a safety chain securely attached to the vehicle’s bumper.
The trailer has a safety chain securely attached to the frame of the towing vehicle.
The trailer hitch is equipped with a fail-safe latch.

42. To practice defensive driving, you should:
Be aware of developing traffic situations around you.
Consistently look well ahead of your vehicle and maintain proper following distances.
All of the above

43. Always signal when:
Pulling into or out of a parking space.
Pulling into traffic from an alley or parking area.
All of the above.

44. On a two-lane street, your vehicle is being followed by a fire engine that is not using its emergency signals. You should:
Continue to drive in a normal manner.
Stop as quickly as you can.
Speed up to get out of its way.
Slow down, move as far to the right as possible, and stop.

45. This sign means:

[FREE] Hawaii DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

46. While driving, you come upon a sign displaying the words “Reduced speed, 35 mph." This means:
That the new 35 mph speed limit begins at this sign.
That the new 35 mph speed limit begins at the next speed limit sign.
That you have plenty of time to slow down before the reduced speed zone.
That you should reduce your speed to 35 mph, but only under poor weather conditions.

47. When driving near heavy trucks, other drivers and highway users must make allowances for:
The increased stopping distance required by large vehicles.
The decreased stopping distance required by large vehicles.
The decreased noise of larger vehicles.
The increased speed of larger vehicles.

48. A yellow light that flashes on and off means:
Stop and look for other vehicles, then go if there is no traffic.
Stop and wait for a green light.
Speed up to clear the intersection quickly.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

49. As a pedestrian, you should:
Look for turning vehicles before crossing a street.
Walk on the left side of the street, facing traffic.
All of the above.

50. When a vehicle with an Anti-Lock Braking System starts to lose traction on a slippery road, drivers should:
Pump the brakes.
Press and hold the brake pedal.
Press and hold the gas pedal.
Lightly tap the brakes.

نسخة اللغة العربية: اختبار القيادة بولاية هاواي

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