[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Below we present to you the driving test questions in the state of Kansas, these questions you will face in the real test of driving in Kansas.

A collection of 50 Kansas driving test questions.

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Note: The correct answers are in bold.

Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

1. At an intersection with stop signs on all corners, yield the right-of-way to any driver:
On your left.
Who arrived before you.
Across from your vehicle.

2. Sudden wind gusts on highways:
Generally affect only the movement of large vehicles.
Only cause visibility problems.
Can cause problems for all vehicles.

3. If you want to pass a pedestrian who is walking along the roadway and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, you should:
Slow down and let the oncoming vehicle pass before you pass the pedestrian.
Keep driving at a steady speed. The oncoming vehicle must stop for you.
Honk your horn to get the pedestrian to move over.

4. What is the purpose of rumble strips?
They alert drivers to potential tire problems.
They test a vehicle's shock absorbers.
Through vibration and sound, they alert inattentive drivers to the fact that their vehicles have left the travel lane.

5. This sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

There is a 35 mph speed zone after the curve ahead.
Drive no slower than 35 mph around the upcoming curve.
Approach the upcoming curve at a speed of 35 mph or slower.

6. You have allowed the wheels of your vehicle to run off the edge of the pavement. What should you do first?
Turn the front wheels slightly to the left to edge the car back onto the pavement.
Hold the steering wheel firmly, release the gas pedal, and gently apply the brakes.
Apply the brakes and turn the front wheels sharply to the left.

7. When you see this sign, you:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Are approaching a railroad crossing and should prepare to stop.
Will always stop at the upcoming railroad crossing.
Should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks.

8. It is very foggy. You should slow down and:
Turn on your emergency flashers.
Turn your lights to their high beam setting.
Turn your lights to their low beam setting.

9. Where is it safe to pass another vehicle?
Within an intersection where there are no oncoming vehicles
Wherever signs and/or pavement markings permit passing
Within a curve where there are no oncoming vehicles

10. This road sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No right turn.
Drive only in the direction of the arrow.
Curve ahead.

11. Regulatory signs are:

12. This road sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed limit.
The maximum speed limit under ideal conditions is 55 mph.
You must not travel below the speed indicated.

13. An orange and red triangular sign on a vehicle always means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

The vehicle has the right-of-way.
Slow-moving vehicle.
Shoulder work ahead.

14. When driving on the highway, consistently looking far ahead of your vehicle:
Helps you keep up with traffic.
Reduces the need for last-minute braking or turning.
Allows you to spot upcoming police officers.

15. "No passing zone" signs tell drivers:
To speed up slightly.
That it is not safe to pass.
To maintain a steady speed.

16. Which of the following driving skills are affected by the use of alcohol and/or drugs?
Alertness and concentration.
Reaction time and coordination.
All of the above.

17. Motorcycle operators have the right to:
Use a complete traffic lane.
Use half of a traffic lane.
Use the shoulder of a roadway.

18. To pass on a two-lane road, you should:
Sound your horn as you pass.
Flash your headlights as you pass.
Judge the distance to any oncoming vehicles.

19. Alcohol is:
A stimulant.
An antihistamine.
A depressant.

20. This road sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Upcoming intersection.
Railroad crossing.

21. The amount of alcohol in the blood is referred to as:
Implied consent (IC).
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
Rate of alcohol consumption (RAC).

22. This road sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic.
Steep hill ahead.

23. What is a potential effect of taking a prescription drug while drinking alcohol?
There will likely be no effect.
It will make you more alert.
It can make you unfit to drive.

24. This road sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Sharp turn to the right ahead.
Upcoming sharp left and right turns.
Winding road ahead.

25. You should signal continuously while turning because it:
Is illegal to turn off your signal before completing a turn.
Lets other drivers know what your intentions are.
Is always unsafe to turn off a signal before completing a turn.

26. Trucks' blind spots are:
Directly behind the body.
On the immediate left of the cab.
Both on the immediate left of the cab and directly behind the body.

27. If you have a sudden tire blowout:
Use the brakes lightly.
Pump the brakes.
Apply the brakes firmly.

28. Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rearview mirrors.

29. When parking your vehicle uphill on a road with a curb:
Your front wheels should be turned toward the curb.
Your front wheels should be turned away from the curb.
Your front wheels should face straight ahead.

30. You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing. After the train passes, you should:
Wait for signal lights to stop flashing.
Look for a second train.
Both of the above.

31. Before you change lanes, you should check your mirrors and:
Never look over your right shoulder.
Always slow down in your traffic lane.
Glance over your shoulder.

32. If a truck or bus is making a right turn where you also need to make a right turn, you should:
Quickly turn before the truck or bus is able to.
Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn.
Squeeze between the truck or bus and the curb.

33. A broken yellow centerline means that:
Passing is not permitted.
Passing on the right is permitted when the way ahead is clear.
Passing on the left is permitted when the way ahead is clear.

34. Various traffic control devices in construction and maintenance work areas are the color:

35. As your speed increases, it is important to:
Turn on your headlights.
Look well ahead of your vehicle.
Change lanes frequently.

36. It is more dangerous to drive at night than during the day because:
You cannot see as far ahead at night.
The road is always more slippery at night.
Your reaction time is slower at night.

37. At a school crossing sign, you should:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Always stop, whether there is a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.

38. A pedestrian starts to cross the street after the "Don't Walk" signal begins to flash. The pedestrian is in the middle of the street when your signal light changes to green. You should:
Proceed if you have the right-of-way.
Proceed if the pedestrian is not in your lane.
Wait until the pedestrian crosses the street before proceeding.

39. Where should a 12-year-old child be seated in a vehicle equipped with airbags?
The front seat
The back seat
In any seat

40. If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should:
Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane.
Assume the other driver will let you pass if you use your turn signal.
Assume the other driver will maintain a constant speed.

41. When you see this sign, you should:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Watch for traffic merging from the right.
Merge right.
Turn left.

42. This sign means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Trucks under 18,000 pounds are allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.

43. A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is:
Permitted from the side next to the solid yellow line.
Not permitted from either direction.
Permitted from the side next to the broken yellow line.

44. If you cannot see farther than 100 feet ahead of your vehicle due to rain, snow, blowing dust, smoke, or thick fog, then you are unable to safely drive faster than:
20 mph.
30 mph.
40 mph.

45. If your car begins to skid out of control, you should:
Pump the brakes.
Apply the brakes lightly.
Stay off the brakes.

46. A sign with this shape means:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

No passing zone.
Right turn permitted on red.
Yield right-of-way.

47. A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should:

[FREE] Kansas DMV Permit Test Questions and Answers

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop as quickly as possible.
Stop and proceed only when the intersection is clear.

48. To improve visibility lowered by rain or fog, drivers should use their:
Low beam headlights.
High beam headlights.
Parking lights.

49. A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that:
Passing is permitted from the lane next to the solid yellow line.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from the lane next to the broken yellow line.

50. If you find yourself in a skid:
Brake lightly.
Stay off the brakes.
Brake abruptly.

نسخة اللغة العربية: اختبار القيادة بولاية كانساس

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